Educator Voice: Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding on what it takes to keep classrooms safe

September 2024 ยท 2 minute read
Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding, epidemiologist, fellow at Federation of American Scientists and father to a 7-year old son, speaking on PBS NewsHour EXTRA Educator Zoom
On Feb. 11, NewsHour EXTRA held its Educator Zoom series with epidemiologist Eric Feigl-Ding , who taught at Harvard's School of Public Health for many years and is now a fellow at the Federation of American Scientists. As a young researcher, Dr. Ding was one of several whistleblowers during the VIOXX drug debacle, which killed tens of thousands of people. He was an early voice to speak out about the seriousness of COVID and offered an informed perspective on what teachers including support staff, schools and families can do to mitigate risk as schools reopen across the country. The PBS conversation was hosted by Sari Beth Rosenberg , NYC public school teacher, and was attended by more than one-hundred educators. Also joining the conversation was guest Dr. Gary Rosenberg , a child/adolescent/psychiatrist, who offered wise words on navigating mental health concerns of students and teachers facing isolation and fears of COVID as schools open. Though the conversation was not recorded in full so that educators could be candid without fear of reprisal, we did record a debrief with Dr. Ding and other guests, which is presented as clips below. If you are a school faculty or staff member and would like to sign up for NewsHour EXTRA's Educator Zooms, click here . Highlight clips: Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding on what to look for in safe school reopening plans

Dr. Gary Rosenberg on ways to maintain mental health during the stress of the pandemic

Educator and host Sari Beth Rosenberg on one way she stays connected to students beyond normal instruction

Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding on the importance of addressing community spread to make sure schools are safe

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